The Documentary Network, created in 2003 under the auspices of the Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal (RIDM), serves as an umbrella organization for major professional audiovisual associations as well as institutions, broadcasters and distributors working in the documentary field in Quebec and Canada.
The Documentary Network aims to provide space for reflection, gathering together and dialogue, allowing documentary production to maintain its rightful place on all broadcast platforms.
The Network ensures that the documentary fully assumes its fundamental role in the defence of democracy, tolerance and open-mindedness. It encourages speaking out and public debate, sparked by documentary productions that cover social issues, aspirations and values.
- To encourage joint action within the documentary community around its mandate.
- To initiate research projects on questions relevant to documentary..
- To ensure that information is circulated.
- To represent and advance the interests of POV documentary before the decision-making bodies.